This quiz is Amalinah ask me do de.. (:
1.What is your school name?Peicai Secondary School
2.Would you fall in love with a guy younger than you? Maybe not.
3.Do you enjoy going to school? Think so le..
4.If you could do something you want badly,what would it be? Arh... Don't know.. :D
5.What is your current addiction?Playing computer games and blogskinning!
6.What hurts the most? Friendship break!
7.Would you dare to confess to the one you love? Should be if I have enough courage! ^^
8.If the person you like secretly is attached,what would you do? Don't care lor!
9.Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? Yar!! :P
10.What makes you so angry?Umm, people that lie!
11.what do you want to get out of currently?Not sure! :)
12.when was the last time you got into trouble? Last year! Very big trouble!
13.who is the most important person in your life right now? Family and friends!
14.would you be single and rich or married but poor? Don't know.. Average? :]
15.what is your favourite color? Pink and White!!
16.would you give all in a relationship? If the guy is good, then I will. ^^
17.if you fall in love with two people simultaneously,who would you pick? The one that help me when I'm in trouble.
18.would you forgive & forget the horrible thing that someone has done? Yeap! :)
19.what do you want to tell the person you love? Er..... Er... I like you???
20.what type of person will you fall in love with? The guy that is kind and caring!
This quiz is Siti ask me do.. ^^
1. Do you have secrets? Yar... ^^
2. Would you fall in love with a gay? Er? No??
3.Do you enjoy going to school? Sometimes.. (:
4.What would you do with a million dollar? Save half of the $ and give my family to spend! :]
5.What is your view towards love? Um, Don't know le..!! Lol.. -.-
6.Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being love by someone? Er.. Being love by someone is better! =)
7.How long will you be willing to wait for a person you love? ER.... I don't know!!!!! aruuugggh!!!
8.If the person you loved once or now is attached, what would you do? Hmm... Don't care!!
9.Is there anything that has make you extremely happy? Er, yes!
10.What makes you angry? People who lie to me!
11.How you see yourself in 10 years time? How would I know?! Ask this question so funny.. ...
12.Who is currently most important to you? Family and friends!! :)
13.What is most important in your life? Family and friends again!! ^^
14.If 2 of ur best friends dropped into the sea and don know how to swim, who will you save first? I don't know how to swim le.. -.- lol..
15.What is ur fave color? Pink and White!! Yay!!! :D
16.Would you give in all in a relationship? Um.. Hmm.... See how, if the person is still acceptable.. (:
17.If ur ex who hurts you deeply wants you back, what will you do? I will tell him N-O, NO!!
18.How are you feeling right now? OKAY??? Not sick can already.. :D
Yes!! Finally finished! Why these few days soooooo many quiz to do !!??? Lol!!